Child Defies Medical Odds Foυr Years After Beiпg Advised to Termiпate Pregпaпcy Dυe to Missiпg Skυll.ngochieu

On September 17, 2017, Owen Masterson from Missouri, USA, was born with acalvaria, a rare condition that results in the absence of facial bones and a skull. His parents, Tom and Jessica, were informed that their son had little chance of survival. In fact, prior to his birth, doctors predicted that Owen might not survive in the womb or could face significant trauma during delivery. They even suggested considering terminating the pregnancy due to the absence of a skull.

Despite being advised to terminate the pregnancy because the child would be born without a skull, the mother remained determined to keep her child. Astonishingly, four years later, the development of the child has left the medical community in awe.

Owen Masterson was born with a missing skull and facial bones.


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Owen’s condition was discovered during a 24-week ultrasound, where doctors were uncertain whether the baby’s brain would be completely covered by a skull. After consulting with an ultrasound specialist, Tom and Jessica were informed that Owen had “highly abnormal brain development,” but a specific diagnosis could not be made. By the 27th week of pregnancy, it was declared that Owen had acalvaria, a condition with a low likelihood of survival.

However, from the beginning to the end, the couple remained steadfast in their decision to keep their child. Despite dire predictions from doctors, their son was born, bringing joy to the entire family. Jessica expressed, “I felt like when he was inside of me, he was safe. I couldn’t do anything when he was born and even afterward. I thought that my son needed to stay.”

Advised to terminate the pregnancy because the child would be born without a skull, the mother remained determined to keep her child, and images of the child four years later have astonished the medical community.

Every night, the husband sees his wife showering at work before coming home, demands a divorce immediately upon inspection.
Just half a day after being born, Owen was allowed to go home, leaving the medical community astounded at his robust survival capabilities. Despite ear infections and stomach infections, Owen remained relatively stable in his first year.

However, he faced difficulties in crawling or moving like other babies and required supportive mobility devices.

Advised to terminate the pregnancy because the child would be born without a skull, the mother remained determined to keep her child, and images of the child four years later have astonished the medical community.

Owen continues to survive against all odds, despite the grim predictions made by doctors.

Advised to terminate the pregnancy because the child would be born without a skull, the mother remained determined to keep her child, and images of the child four years later have astonished the medical community.

Despite not having a skull,
Owen faces challenges with weak health and limited independent movement compared to other children.


After a few years of divorce, the husband unexpectedly wants to reconcile with his ex-wife, a reason many find hard to believe.
As of now, Owen is four years old, and his health condition remains relatively stable. Despite the absence of a skull and some congenital defects, he faces challenges but continues to thrive each day.

Doctors cannot predict Owen’s lifespan, but his family remains optimistic, believing in their resilient “warrior” who has fought against the odds for four years. Occasionally, Tom and Jessica share images of their son on their social media pages. To them, Owen is a resilient warrior, and they will always have faith in their child.

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