Miraculous story: Newborn baby born with ski wrinkles, creating a unique image like a map of a 70-year journey of village life

A 2-week-old baby being raised by his parents because his skateboard was as wrinkled as an old map is a pitiful case for me. Just after a bee was born with a wrinkled skateboard, she was raised by her biological parents, had to live on goat’s milk and was cared for by her grandfather before being taken home to raise. in Maharashtra, western India.

According to doctors, the baby girl was born in the 7th month of pregnancy, weighed about 800 grams and had ɱaпy chromosomal abnormalities.
Borп with a nasty “wrinkled ski” makes him a “mutant” that both sides want to enhance.

After the baby fell ill, his grandfather Dilip Dode, 50, took him to a hospital in Mumbai about 138 km away. Mr. Dilip Dode shared: “I am very grateful to the doctors at the hospital for treating my child for free. When my daughter-in-law was pregnant, her parents took her for regular checkups at the local medical center. But the doctors there did not say any other problems with the baby.”
“We agree to be tested and will do our best to treat the disease,” said Minnie Bodhaпwala, an administrator at the hospital. This is a dangerous disease.”

Mr. Dilip Dode works as a regular worker and is trying to earn more money so he can take care of his daughter instead of his son and daughter-in-law.

A 2-week-old baby was held by his parents because his skin was wrinkled like an old person.

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