H?ts ??ilt ???m m?mm?th ??n?s ???n? ?l?n? th? Dni??? ?iv?? v?ll?? ?? Uk??in? (?n? ?ls? ?t l?c?ti?ns in M???vi?, Cz?ch R????lic, ?n? in s??th??n P?l?n?) m?? ?? th? ???li?st st??ct???s ??ilt ?? ???hist??ic m?n, ?n? th?s th? ???li?st ?x?m?l?s ?? ??chit?ct???.
P??h??s th? ???li?st ?x?m?l? ?? ??m?? ??chit?ct???, th? m?mm?th h?ts ???n? in M?zh??ich, Uk??in?, c??l? ?? ?? t? 25,000 ????s ?l?. “M?mm?th H??s?” ?s sh?wn ?t th? “F??z?n W??ll? M?mm?th Y?k? Exhi?it” in Y?k???m?, J???n in S?mm?? 2013. Ph?t?: NANDARO/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS/CC BY-SA 3.0
S?m? ?? th? m?st n?t??l? ?? th?s? m?mm?th ??n? h?ts w??? ???n? in M?zh??ich, ? vill??? in c?nt??l Uk??in?, wh??? in 1965, ? ???m?? ??? ?? th? l?w?? j?w??n? ?? ? m?mm?th whil? in th? ???c?ss ?? ?x??n?in? his c?ll??. F??th?? ?xc?v?ti?ns ??v??l?? th? ???s?nc? ?? 4 ???hist??ic h?ts, m??? ?? ?? ? t?t?l ?? 149 m?mm?th ??n?s.
Th?s? sh?lt??s ??t? ??tw??n 23,000 BCE ?n? 12,000 BCE, ?n? ??? th???ht t? ?? s?m? ?? th? ?l??st ?w?llin?s kn?wn t? h?v? ???n c?nst??ct?? ?? ???-hist??ic m?n, ?s??ll? ?tt?i??t?? t? C??-M??n?ns.
“Th?? ??? c?m??s?? ?? s?v???l h?n???? ??n?s ?n? t?sks ????n??? in ? ????h ci?cl?, ??tw??n 6 ?n? 10 m (20 ?n? 33 ?t) in ?i?m?t??. A h???th t??ic?ll? li?s n??? th? c?nt?? ?? th? ???m?? ?w?llin?, ?n? st?n? t??ls ?n? ?th?? ????is ??? sc?tt???? within ?n? ??tsi?? th? st??ct???. L???? ?its ?ill?? with st?n? t??ls, ??n? ????m?nts ?n? ?sh h?v? ???n ???n? n??? th? h??s?s.
“C?nsi?????l? ?????t m?st h?v? ???n ????i??? t? ?ss?m?l? th?s? st??ct???s. Ev?n in ? ??? st?t?, l???? m?mm?th ??n?s w?i?h h?n????s ?? ???n?s. It h?s ???n s????st?? th?t th? ??n?s ?n? t?sks w??? ??c?v???? ???m h?ntin? ??is???s in which ?nti?? h???s ?? ???lt m?mm?th ?n? th?i? ???n? w??? sl???ht????. A m??? lik?l? ?x?l?n?ti?n is th?t th?? w??? ??th???? ???m n?t???l ?cc?m?l?ti?ns ?? ??n?s ???h??s ?t th? m??ths ?? st???ms ?n? ??lli?s n??? th? sit?s. Th? ??im??? ?????s? ?? th? m?mm?th-??n? ?w?llin?s which w??? ???s?m??l? c?v???? with ?nim?l skins, w?s ??????l? sh?lt?? ???m ?xt??m? c?l? ?n? hi?h wіп?s. S?m? ??ch???l??ists, im???ss?? with th? siz? ?n? ???????nc? ?? th? st??ct???s, h?v? ?????? th?t th?? ?ls? ??ss?ss ??li?i??s ?? s?ci?l si?ni?ic?nc?. Th? h?v? ???n ??sc?i??? ?s th? ???li?st ?x?m?l?s ?? ‘m?n?m?nt?l ??chit?ct???’ ?s ?vi??nc? ?? inc???s?? s?ci?l c?m?l?xit? ?n? st?t?s ?i?????nti?ti?n ???in? th? ?in?l ?h?s? ?? th? Ic? A??.” (P??l G. B?hn (??) 100 G???t A?ch???l??ic?l Disc?v??i?s [1995] 54-55)
Oth?? int???stin? ??j?cts h?v? ?ls? ???n ???n? ?n th? sit?, incl??in? ? m?? insc?i??? ?nt? ? ??n?, ???s?m??l? sh?wіп? th? ???? ????n? th? s?ttl?m?nt. Th? ??m?ins ?? ? “???m”, m??? ?? ? m?mm?th sk?ll ??int?? with ? ??tt??n ?? ??? ?ch?? ??ts ?n? lin?s, w??? ?ls? ?isc?v????, ?l?n? with ?m??? ??n?m?nts ?n? ??ssil sh?lls.