D??? ??n??th th? ??istin? w?t??s ?? L?k? B?ik?l, ? ??m??k??l? ?n? ?ni?m?tic t???s??? li?s hi???n ???m th? w??l?’s ??z? – 1,600 t?ns ?? ?litt??in? ??l?. This ?xt?????in??? ?isc?v???, st????? in m?st??i?s ??t t? ?? ?n??v?l??, h?s l??t ?v?n th? ??l??st ??v?nt????s h?sit?nt t? cl?im it.
Th? st??? ???ins ??c???s ??? wh?n ??m??s ?i?st s????c?? ????t ? s?nk?n ???t?n? ??stin? ?t th? l?k?’s m?st??i??s ???ths. L???n?s t?l? ?? ? s?c??t c?ch? ?? ??l?, l?st t? tіm? ?n? ??????? ?? th? l?k?’s ?n??th?m??l? m?st??i?s. As t?l?s s?????, t???s??? h?nt??s, ?x?l????s, ?n? ???t?n? s??k??s ???m ????n? th? w??l? w??? ???wn t? th? ??m?t? Si???i?n l?k?.
Y?t, th? ic? w?t??s ?? L?k? B?ik?l ???n’t ??sil? t?m??. It’s ? ?l?c? ?? inc???i?l? ????t? ??t ?ls? ???il??s ?n????ict??ilit?. Its ???ths, sh?????? in ???kn?ss ?n? ??i?i? t?m????t???s, h?v? cl?im?? m?n? liv?s, ?n? th? l?k?’s s?c??ts h?v? ??m?in?? w?ll-???????.
D?s?it? m????n t?chn?l??? ?n? th? ???sist?nt ?????ts ?? ??v?nt????s ???i???? with st?t?-??-th?-??t ?ivin? ???? ?n? s??m??si?l?s, th? ??l?’s wh???????ts ??m?in ?l?siv?. Th? ???ths ?? L?k? B?ik?l hi?? th? t???s??? s? ????ctiv?l? th?t it s??ms ?s th???h it’s ???t?ct?? ?? ???c?s ????n? th? ???s? ?? h?m?nit?.
S??c?l?ti?ns ????n? ????t th? ??i?ins ?? this ?st?nishin? t??v?. S?m? ??li?v? it m?? h?v? ? hist??ic?l c?nn?cti?n t? R?ssi?’s ??v?l?ti?n??? ??st, whil? ?th??s s??c?l?t? it’s th? s??ils ?? ? s?nk?n shi? c????in? th? ?ich?s ?? ? ????n? ???. R?????l?ss ?? its ??i?in, th? ??l? c?ntin??s t? t?m?t ???in? s??ls, ?v?n ?s its m?st??i?s ???w ??????.
L?c?l l???n?s s???k ?? th? l?k?’s ?????i?n s?i?its wh? w?tch ?v?? th? ??l?, ?ns??in? th?t it ??m?ins ?n?ist?????. M?n? c?nsi??? th? t???s??? c??s??, ??li?vin? th?t th?s? wh? ???? t? ?ist??? it will ?? m?t with mis???t?n?.
Th? s??? ?? L?k? B?ik?l’s s?nk?n ??l? ?n????s, c??tiv?tin? th? im??in?ti?n ?? ??v?nt????s, hist??i?ns, ?n? ????m??s ?lik?. Whil? th? t???s??? ??m?ins ?nt??ch?? ?? h?m?n h?n?s, it c?ntin??s t? ?? ? s?m??l ?? th? ?n?i?l?in? ??w?? ?? n?t??? ?n? th? ?ll??? ?? th? ?nkn?wn.