The alien-like creatures in the documentary “Secrets of Antarctica” have been shared by scientists on YouTube.
Strange sea creatures never seen before have been discovered by an international team of researchers under the Antarctic ice sheets thanks to modern technology scanning the seabed.
Dr. Dave Bowden described his amazement at these peculiar life forms with strange features. Among these remarkable finds are crinoids sea lilies, which are only found in fossils.
In the documentary, the scientist also explains how he discovered the sea spider with huge legs and a microscopic body.
Other strange finds are that sponges do not have a nervous system or digest and get nutrients by filtering water through holes in their bodies.
“The Antarctic continental shelf has been isolated from the rest of the planet for many, many years. This is a sea spider – one of the most interesting species in the Antarctic biota. Because they are so different from the spiders we have seen. They are extremely large but concentrated in the legs, and they are basically bodyless. It’s unlike anything we’ve known,” Dr Brown said in the film.
There is debate as to whether Antarctica is the birthplace of larger creatures or is this just the evolution of organisms that live in an isolated sea and do not exist anywhere else. ” said the scientist.
Dr. Brown also claims that one of his most interesting discoveries during his trip to the North Ross Sea was the discovery of sea lilies crinoids – a species closely related to sea urchins.
“The main difference is that it’s a life form, whereas in the past we’ve only seen them in fossils,” he said.