A mysterious advanced society that vanished 2,000 years ago governed the Ancient Mohenjo Daro.

In the years 1920–1922, a series of excavations were commissioned at the Harappa Mohenjodaro site, which is now Pakistan, and they absolutely puzzled scientists all over the world. They discovered a technologically sophisticated civilization that ruled over Ancient Mohenjo-Daro within this site.

If you think you know a lot about history, think differently. The Indus civilization didn’t live in the way you would expect an ancient civilization to. On a grid of streets that was, to say the least, very complex, there were large houses arranged aesthetically around every corner of the road.

Many homes had toilets, and clean water was readily accessible to all residents, either through the drainage system that ran under the streets or through the 700 separate wells that covered the majority of the area. Despite historians’ claims that the Romans were the first to construct one during the Roman period, there was also an ancient bathhouse in the city’s centre.

Many of the artifacts found here showed the same woman wearing a skirt, a necklace, and a belt. Her unusual facial figures have been compared to aliens, but she has also been accused of being a time traveller. What do you make of all of this?

Source: online-updates

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