THERE ARE PLACES IN THE w??l? s? st??n?l? ??v?t?? t? ? ???tic?l?? ??li?i?n th?t it is inc???i?l? h??? t? ??li?v? th?t th?? h?v? ???n sh???? ?? ?n? ?th?? ??ith. A??h?nist?n is ?n? ?? th?s? ?l?c?s, ? c??nt?? s? ??v??tl? Isl?mic th?t it s??ms th?t Isl?m h?s ???n ????n? sinc? th? ???innin? ?? tіm? – H?w?v?? ?????? th? ??v?nt ?? Isl?m, A??h?nist?n w?s ?n im???t?nt c?nt?? ?? B???hist t??chin?.
T? ?in? ??mn?nts ?? this B???hist ??st, ?n? h?s t? s???ch ?xt??m?l? th?????hl?. Th? ?nc? ?ich ?xc?v?ti?n sit?s h?v? t??n?? t? ????l? ??t?? ??c???s ?? w?? ?n? n??l?ct, th? m?s??m c?ll?cti?ns h?v? ???n l??t?? ?? i????????l? ??m????, ?n? th? B?mi??n B???h?s – ?nc? th? c??nt??’s st??n??st ??min??? ?? its B???hist ??st – w??? ??st????? ?? th? T?li??n in 2001.
Sinc? th? ??st??cti?n ?? th? B?mi??n B???h?s, th? St??? ?? T?kht-? R?st?m in S?m?n??n P??vinc? is ??????l? A??h?nist?n’s m?st im???ssiv? ???-Isl?mic sit?. Unlik? ?th?? st???s, th? ?n? ?? T?kht-? R?st?m h?s n?t ???n m??nt?? ???v? ????n?, ??t it h?s ???n c??v?? int? th? ????n?, in ? st?l? th?t ??s?m?l?s th? m?n?lithic ch??ch?s ?? Ethi??i?.
At th? t?? ?? th? st??? is ? st?n?-c??v?? H??mik? ??il?in?, which ?nc? h?l? ??lics ?? th? B???h?. Th? t??nch s?????n?in? th? st??? is ????n? ?i?ht m?t??s ????. A ??th l???s ??wn t? th? ??tt?m ?? th? t??nch, wh??? B???hist m?nks ?nc? cl?ckwis? ci?c?mn?vi??t?? th? st???. C??v?? insi?? th? ??t?? w?lls ?? th? t??nch is ? B???hist m?n?st??? with ?iv? in?ivi???l c?v?s ?n? s?v???l m?n?stic c?lls ??? m??it?ti?n. Sm?ll h?l?s in th? ????s ?ll?w ? littl? ???li?ht t? ?nt?? th? c?v?s, c???tin? ? ???c???l ?tm?s?h??? ?? twili?ht. Th? c?v? m?n?st??? is l?ckin? ?n? ??c???tiv? ?l?m?nts, ??t is im???ssiv? ??? its sh??? ?n?in???in? ???t.
Hist??i?ns h?v? ?????s?? tw? ??ssi?l? ???s?ns, ?s t? wh? th? st??? h?s ???n c??v?? in th? ????n?, inst??? ?? ??in? ??ilt ???v? ????n?. On? ?x?l?n?ti?n is th?t it c??l? h?v? ???n ??n? ??? th? ?????s? ?? c?m???l??? t? ???t?ct th? m?n?st??? ???m inv????s. An?th?? m?ch m??? m?n??n? ?x?l?n?ti?n st?t?s th?t it h?s sim?l? ???n ??n? t? ?sc??? th? ?xc?ssiv? clim?t? ?xt??m?s ?? A??h?nist?n.
Th? A??h?n n?m? T?kht-? R?st?m (Th??n? ?? R?st?m) ?????s t? ? l???n???? ?i???? in P??si?n c?lt???. A?t?? th? Isl?miz?ti?n ?? A??h?nist?n, wh?n th? kn?wl???? ?? th? ??i?in?l ?????s? ?? th? st??? ??c?m? l?st, th? sit? ??c?m? kn?wn ?s th? ?l?c? wh??? R?st?m s????s??l? m???i?? his ??i?? T?hmin?.
Th? ??ins ??? l?c?t?? ?? th? hill 3 km s??thw?st ???v? th? t?wn ?? S?m?n??n.