The Superheavy Tank T28, developed during World War II, was an ambitious American engineering project aimed at countering formidable enemy fortifications in Europe, such as the German Siegfried Line. This tank, sometimes referred to as the T95 or by nicknames like “Doom Turtle” and “Tutel,” was designed to be virtually indestructible with armor that no anti-tank gun could penetrate.
Physical Characteristics Weighing nearly 100 tons and measuring 11.1 meters in length, 2.1 meters in height, and 4.5 meters in width, the T28 was a massive vehicle. It featured a unique quad-track system to distribute its immense weight and prevent it from sinking into soft terrain. The outer tracks were removable, allowing for easier transportation and maintenance, reducing the tank’s width from 4.5 meters to 3.1 meters and its weight by 25 tons.
Armor and Armament The T28’s armor was extraordinarily thick, with a front thickness of 12 inches, more than any tank of its time. This formidable protection made it nearly impervious to enemy fire. The main armament was the 105 mm T5E1 gun, capable of penetrating 180 mm of armor or 1.5 meters of concrete from 460 meters away. The tank could carry up to 62 rounds for this gun, making it a potent bunker-busting weapon.
Mobility Despite its heavy armor and armament, the T28 was underpowered. It was equipped with a Ford GAF V8 engine producing 500 hp, which struggled to move the 95-ton behemoth at more than 8 mph on roads. This slow speed was not ideal but acceptable for a tank designed to move steadily towards fortified enemy positions.
Historical Context and Legacy The T28 was completed too late to participate in World War II, missing the conflict in both Europe and Japan. Its development was hindered by the shifting priorities and resource constraints of the late war period. By the time it was ready, the need for such a vehicle had diminished with the end of hostilities.
Interestingly, the T28’s story includes a peculiar chapter where one of the prototypes was lost for almost three decades before being rediscovered in a bush. This adds to the tank’s legendary status, highlighting the complexity and occasional absurdity of military logistics.
Conclusion The T28 superheavy tank remains one of the most interesting and unique tanks ever built. Although it never saw combat, its extreme design and formidable specifications continue to capture the imagination of military historians and enthusiasts. The T28 is a testament to the ingenuity and ambition of wartime engineering, embodying the lengths to which designers and engineers will go to meet the demands of modern warfare.