Lily Paziuk, a 20-year-old new mother from Cleckheaton, West Yorkshire, was shocked when her baby girl, Willow Flather-Paziuk, was born in an unusual position. During scan images, Lily noticed that Willow would always cover her face with her thighs rather than her hands. When Willow was born, she had her feet next to her shoulders and her legs thrown forward, astonishing doctors with her flexible pose. This unique position earned Willow the nickname “little gymnast” from the medical team.
Lily affectionately calls her daughter “little chicken” due to the position’s resemblance to a ready-to-eat roasted chicken. Willow, who is now one month old, has regained a more normal leg position after three weeks. Despite this, she still enjoys sleeping with her legs extended to the sides and her calves by her shoulders, resembling a professional gymnast’s split.
Initially, Lily was concerned and surprised by her baby’s unusual position, thinking something was wrong with Willow’s feet. However, an ultrasound revealed that Willow’s hips were unaffected by the position, much to Lily’s relief. Lily realized that Willow’s feet, not her hands, were covering her face in the scan images.
Lily was initially disheartened because she had bought many baby outfits that Willow couldn’t wear due to her legs’ position. For the first three weeks, Willow could only wear vests, as nothing else fit her legs. Changing diapers and holding Willow was challenging for Lily, who was afraid of harming her newborn.
Now, Willow is doing fine, with her hips and legs in good health. She still occasionally returns to her flexible position, but her legs are mostly upright. Lily believes her daughter will be very adaptable and possibly have a future in gymnastics.