In a dramatic video shared on Twitter by Indian Forest Service officer Susanta Nanda, a fierce encounter between an elephant and a crocodile unfolds as the latter attempts to attack a baby elephant. The footage opens with a baby elephant taking a dip in a muddy water body while its mother stands guard. Suddenly, a massive crocodile surfaces and attacks the calf. The mother elephant immediately charges at the crocodile, stomping on it and forcing it to retreat.
Mr. Nanda captioned the video, “The extent to which elephants can protect their calves is mind-boggling. Here is a small incident. The Crocodile had to surrender.”
The video has garnered various reactions from viewers, highlighting the protective nature of elephants. One user commented, “Intelligent, gentle, emotional beings,” while another noted, “Motherhood is beyond expectation.” Another user speculated, “Either she has elephant babies in the area and is stomping the hell out of the croc to keep it from harming any of their young, or she already lost a baby in this spot to crocs and is now exacting revenge.”