Learn about the placenta in newborns and treasure your child’s precious early years.pink

How do you spell L-O-V-E? This photo of a beautiful newborn spells ‘love’ with the baby’s umbilical cord still attached to the child and placenta.

The visual impact of this photo, titled ‘Welcome earthside, sweet little Harper,’ is undeniable.

It quickly went viral after Emma Jean Photography posted it to their Facebook page on January 2, with readers posting thousands of shares and comments.

With the help of baby Harper, UK midwife-turned-photographer Emma Jean Nolan is highlighting an ancient Maori tradition: burying the placenta.

The Maoris, indigenous to New Zealand, bury the placenta after the baby is born, signifying their respect for the earth, which, like the organ, provides nourishment. She explains on Facebook:

“As a Maori baby, his placenta will now be returned to the land. The word ‘whenua’ refers to the placenta and the land. Whenua (placenta) is returned to the whenua (land) with the pito (umbilical cord) the link between the newborn and Papatūānuku (mother earth). With this affinity established, each individual fulfills the role of curator for Papatūānuku (mother earth), which remains lifelong.”

Nolan had wanted to photograph an image like this for quite some time but was waiting for a baby with an umbilical cord long enough. Sure enough, Harper’s cord lent itself perfectly to the word ‘love.’

Andrea Rangel said, “So beautiful. I finally got to see one with my last baby. It’s an amazing thing. Just beautiful.”

Amanda Jasionowicz said, “Absolutely beautiful photo! I buried my son’s placenta, and it is a great way to honor the beginning of life and give back to the land that gives to you.”

Tepara Koti said, “I wish we were allowed to do this in hospitals. Unfortunately, home birth isn’t really an option for me.. but I’m still going to ask my midwife if we can try.. thank you for posting!!”

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